Quiz Funnels

How would you feel if you walked into a doctor’s office, told them a single symptom like stomach pain…and then they monologued at you about potential treatments for twenty minutes.? You would probably feel a lack of empathy – like the doctor wasn’t fussed about understanding your exact situation.

Contrast that to being asked a whole series of questions. Maybe they even correctly predict details like “let me guess, does it typically hurt around 1hr after eating?”. You get a confidence boost that they get what you’re going through and will give relevant advice.

It sounds ridiculous, lead magnets go with the first approach.

They draw people in based on a single pain point, then give some general advice about how to fix the issue. At best, they have a few sections acknowledging different ways it might play out.

Personality quizzes have been around for almost 100 years, when Meet Yourself, a 336-page home-psychoanalysis test was published in 1936.

They became a common feature in magazines like Seventeen, Esquire and Men’s Health. Covers often posed questions such as “Which Backstreet boy is your perfect match?” or “What fad diet is right for your body type?” to entice shoppers into buying.

Then of course came the internet.

Quizzes became a core tactic in the world of clickbait. Whether it’s assigning people to Harry Potter houses, guessing where your accent is from, or testing your music knowledge, they regularly get millions of users and go viral.

Businesses started catching on as tools or plugins made building quizzes more accessible.

From Buzzfeed to Big Bucks:

Personality quizzes have been around for almost 100 years, when Meet Yourself, a 336-page home-psychoanalysis test was published in 1936.

They became a common feature in magazines like Seventeen, Esquire and Men’s Health. Covers often posed questions such as “Which Backstreet boy is your perfect match?” or “What fad diet is right for your body type?” to entice shoppers into buying.

Then of course came the internet.

Quizzes became a core tactic in the world of clickbait. Whether it’s assigning people to Harry Potter houses, guessing where your accent is from, or testing your music knowledge, they regularly get millions of users and go viral.

Businesses started catching on as tools or plugins made building quizzes more accessible.

Companies such as LeadQuizzes or Typeform let businesses add fully customized quizzes to their website in a matter of minutes. They can be on a vast range of topics such as 

  • Is your business idea profitable?
  • What is your sleep hygiene score?
  • Which coffee blend is perfect for you?
  • Discover the foods aggravating your IBS

They can be extremely effective. According to LeadQuizzes they have an average lead capture rate of 33%. Quizzes and calculators are ideal for catching the interest of people who want more detail about a certain topic, so it’s no wonder that quizzes for Facebook ads are a popular strategy!

Learn the secrets of lead gen quizzes:

If you want more detail about optimizing quiz funnels, then we have a free course showing you how to optimize tripwire campaigns. It’s more than just looking at your orders and making a rough guess.

Instead you will learn to look at the big picture, from upsell combinations to lifetime value.

The course will cover:

  • Why quizzes are a favorite strategy for filling your funnel with sizzling hot leads
  • How to track these leads all the way from ad click to purchase, even with long funnels
  • Why using quizzes to segment your leads can lead to high performance campaigns
  • The top ways to split test your quizzes to maximize your revenue
  • Test which email sequence pairs best with email quiz result type for the personal touch
  • Building a custom dashboard to show you how the different segments from each quiz are performing
  • Discover how many quiz participants become customers week or even MONTHS later

All this is covered in a set of five 10 minute video lessons. They are taught by Ian Garoian, one of our customer success experts.

Plus, a free 1-to-1 call to analyze your data

If you grab a free 14-day trial of SegMetrics, you will also be entitled to a free consultation with our optimization experts.

They can help you make sure you have implemented the tests correctly, or walk through your data with you.

Ian Garoian

Customer Success Specialist

Ian is part of the customer success team here at SegMetrics. On the day-to-day, he helps customers get their integrations configured. He also maintains the SegMetrics knowledge base and other learning materials, such as this course. Ian, created this course to give new and existing users a better grasp at configuring their SegMetrics accounts the right way!

Ian Garoian